World Asthma Day

This year’s theme for World Asthma Day was “Asthma Care for All.” We are proud to join the global efforts to raise awareness about this condition. Our portfolio features various respiratory disease projects, and asthma is one of them. We are committed to continue making a meaningful impact by conducting cutting-edge clinical trials on Innovative […]

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week

It may sometimes seem that their dedication and hard work behind the scenes go unnoticed – this isn’t true. Biokinetica‘s Lab Professionals play vital role in our operations. In Early Phase clinical trials, lab professionals work closely with study coordinators, investigators, and other members of the research team to ensure that all lab processes are performed timely and […]

Heroes of clinical research

Healthy volunteers are the heroes of clinical research – their contributions are invaluable, and their safety and welfare are our top priorities. We believe that a Patient Centric approach to any clinical trial project we engage in is key to success. We are proud to provide compassionate care and maintain rigorous safety measures throughout the […]

Have you saved the date?

Meet the part of Biokinetica that will be attending the EUFEMED conference in May. Stay tuned for more details on our presentation, and don’t hesitate to connect with us before the event! Agnieszka Kulesza Ewa Urbanczyk Monika Tomaszewska-Kiecana MD Michal Maciej Nowicki

4th EUFEMED Conference on 25-26 May 2023 in Berlin

It has been a long time coming, but we’re finally able to gather again in person! It’s exciting for the EUFEMED family to have the opportunity to meet face to face once more. The COVID-19 pandemic drastically altered the way we live, work, and interacted with one another for too long. This conference marks an […]

The use of PROs in early-phase trials

Today in FridayScience something native to us – earlyphase clinical trials and Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs), which is becoming a ‘hot topic’. PROs are becoming increasingly important in early-phase clinical trials as they provide insight into the benefits and risks of new drugs from a patient’s perspective. They can inform dosage selection, support regulatory review, […]

World Cancer Day

In recognition of the World Cancer Day held two days ago, we are joining the global community in raising awareness and catalyzing collective action to Close the Care Gap. We stay committed to collaborating with sponsors on clinical trials and contributing to the development of innovative cancer treatments. Read more: World Cancer Day

Osteoarthritis – protein turns back clock in cartilage cells

Today in FridayScience: The researchers from the University of Southern California explored how a protein called STAT3 contributes to osteoarthritis by controlling the genetic processes involved in cartilage cell aging. The study showed that suppressing the protein STAT3 in mouse models of osteoarthritis worsened the condition, while activating it reversed the aging process in the […]

Mandatory use of CTIS.

As the end of the transition period looms on the horizon, we are ready to face the new era of EU clinical trials with the mandatory use of CTIS. We’ve meticulously planned the transition and adapted to the changing landscape. We’re committed to quality and compliance and fully equipped to navigate the new regulatory waters […]

CAR-T cells have potent effects to clear residual tumor

FridayScience today features a promising oncology therapy: “CAR-T cells have potent effects to clear residual tumor after incomplete resection in a variety of preclinical models” Researchers from University of Pennsylvania described how they added chimeric antigen receptor T cells to a gel (fibrin sealant) designed to prevent bleeding after surgery. After adding the gel to […]

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